Contact Us (508) 480-8202


If you live, work, or run a business in or around Needham, Massachusetts, and you need experienced legal representation, the business and contract lawyers at the Katz Law Group can help. With 40 years representing individual and corporate clients in the area, attorney David S. Katz has plenty of experience handling a variety of legal matters.

Our Practice Areas

We practice business law, an extremely broad field of practice that covers all of the following:

In most of these cases, we represent clients who want to avoid the stress, publicity, time, and cost of litigation. We have extensive experience and a track record of successes in resolving cases through mediation or arbitration or a well-crafted agreement that furthers the interests of everyone involved.

The Types of Clients that Hire the Katz Law Group

The Katz Law Group provides legal representation to both businesses and individuals.

The companies that we have represented in the past have included:

  • Retailers
  • Suppliers
  • Distributors
  • Manufacturers
  • Hotels
  • Bars and restaurants
  • Hospitals
  • Grocery stores
  • Pharmacies and other pharmaceutical companies
  • Construction companies
  • Construction contractors, including both general contractors and subcontractors
  • Banks

We have also represented the following types of individuals in the past:

  • Corporate executives
  • Small business owners
  • Employees
  • Consultants
  • Franchisors, franchisees, and master franchises

The Court System in Needham

While we strive to resolve as many conflicts and business disputes out of the courtroom as we can, the reality is that, if you are not prepared to take your case to court, the other side is unlikely to negotiate in good faith or take you seriously.

Should litigation be necessary, a case arising in Needham would generally either be heard by the Dedham District Court, if it involves less than $50,000, or the Norfolk Superior Court if it involves more than that amount. If the amount at issue is less than $7,000, then a magistrate at the Dedham District Court can hear it in small claims court.

The Katz Law Group: Business Attorneys for Needham, Massachusetts

If you or your business has legal needs in or around Needham, Massachusetts, call the Katz Law Group at (508) 480-8202 or contact them online.

Call Today

We focus on preventative counseling, objective advice and guiding our clients toward strategies for mitigating risk while efficiently and effectively conducting business. Please call us today.
