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Posted by David Katz | Jul 10, 2015 | 0 Comments

I have been asked by several prospective employees seeking employment with firms in the Boston Metro West area as to why their employment contracts contain what is known as a “cupid clause.” That is that any romance with a co-worker is voluntary.

By asking a prospective employee to confirm in writing that the relationship is voluntary gives the corporation a defense later on if you try to sue on the grounds that you were otherwise coerced or intimidated into accepting your boyfriend's amorous advances. The “Cupid Contract” also protects the employee that in the event the romance ends badly it will not affect your position at work and you have the right to bring any repercussions-for example, retaliation on your boyfriend's part-to management's attention.

Recent polls show us that there is a significant uptick in workplace romance which neither employees or employers, for that matter, are ready to deal with the consequences. Younger workers such as millennial generation or Gen Xers see a workplace romance as having a positive effect on performance and morale.

About the Author

David Katz

Attorney David S.Katz is the founder and managing partner of the Katz Law Group, P.C., located in Westborough, Massachusetts...


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